Munchkin Place Daycare Waitlist Policy


Please do note that Munchkin Place's waitlist policy is to fill daycare spaces based on the needs and ages of Munchkin Place students' families.  Munchkin Place will offer daycare openings to currently enrolled Munchkin Place families prior to waitlisted families.  Munchkin Place only has a limited number of spaces which will be offered based on suitability, needs and age ranges of current daycare families.   Our waiting list is configured in chronological order, based on the date and time that waitlist requests are received not by age grouping.  To reiterate, daycare spaces will be offered based on needs and ages of Munchkin Place students.  All available upcoming daycare openings are posted on our website under Upcoming Daycare Spaces.  They are listed by opening date, number of spaces, full-time or part-time as well as age of student. 

Munchkin Place Home Daycare Waiting List Policy and Procedures

Name of Child Care Business: Munchkin Place Home Daycare

Date Policy and Procedures Established: November 16, 2016

Date Policy and Procedures Updated: January 20, 2025


This policy and the procedures within provide for waiting lists to be administered in a transparent manner. It supports the availability of information about the waiting list for prospective parents in a way that maintains the privacy and confidentiality of children.

The procedures provide steps that will be followed to place children on the waiting list, offer admission, and provide parents with information about their child’s position on the waiting list.

This policy is intended to fulfill the obligations set out under Ontario Regulation 137/15 for a daycare to have related policies and procedures.



• Munchkin Place Home Daycare will strive to accommodate all requests for the registration of a child/children at their daycare.

• Where the maximum capacity of a program has been reached and spaces are unavailable for new children to be enrolled, the waiting list procedures set out below will be followed.

• No fee will be charged to parents for placing a child on the waiting list.

Additional Policy Statements

The owner of Munchkin Place Home Daycare, Candace Veinotte is the sole administrator and manager of the waiting list.


Receiving a Request to Place a Child on the Waiting List

1. Munchkin Place Home Daycare will receive parental requests to place children on a waiting list via our website or via email following an initial waiting list request on our website.

Placing a child on the Waiting List

1. Munchkin Place Home Daycare will place a child on the waiting list in chronological order, based on the date and time that the request was received.

2. Once a child has been placed on the waiting list, Munchkin Place Home Daycare will inform parents of their child’s position on the list upon request.

Determining Placement Priority when a Space Becomes Available

1. When space becomes available in the program, priority will be given to currently enrolled Munchkin Place Home Daycare families and based on the current needs and age ranges of Munchkin Place Home Daycare students and families; including all Munchkin Place Art and or Fun Kid’s Yoga students. Interviews are required with new families prior to joining Munchkin Place Home Daycare to establish child/children needs and suitability to join any of our programs.

2. Once these children have been placed, other children on the waiting list will be prioritized based on program availability and the chronology in which the child was placed on the waiting list.

Offering an Available Space

1. Parents of children on the waiting list will be notified via email and or phone that a space has become available in their requested program.

2. Parents will be provided a timeframe of 8 hours in which a response is required before the next child on the waiting list will be offered the space.

3. Where a parent has not responded within the given timeframe, Munchkin Place Home Daycare will contact the parent of the next child on the waiting list to offer them the space.

4. New Applicants will be offered available daycare openings in the instance that waitlist families are not suitable to fill the available space. For example age requirement for available daycare opening/openings, type of care required, hours and days of care required.

5. Please do note that Munchkin Place’s waitlist policy is to fill daycare spaces based on the needs and ages of Munchkin Place students’ families. Munchkin Place will offer daycare openings to currently enrolled Munchkin Place families prior to waitlisted families. Munchkin Place only has a limited number of spaces which will be offered based on suitability, needs and age ranges of current daycare families. Our waiting list is configured in chronological order, based on the date and time that waitlist requests are received not by age grouping. To reiterate, daycare spaces will be offered based on needs and ages of Munchkin Place students. All available upcoming daycare openings are posted on our website under Upcoming Daycare Spaces. They are listed by opening date, number of spaces, full-time or part-time as well as age of student.

Responding to Parents who inquire about their Child’s Placement on the Waiting List

1. Candace Veinotte the owner of Munchkin Place Home Daycare will be the contact person for parents who wish to inquire about the status of their child’s place on the waiting list.

2. The owner of Munchkin Place Home Daycare will respond to parent inquiries and provide the child’s current position on the list and an estimated likelihood of the child being offered a space in the program.

Privacy and Confidentiality

1. The waiting list will be maintained in a manner that protects the privacy and confidentiality of the children and families on the list and therefore only the child’s position on the waiting list will be provided to parents.

2. Names of other children or families and/or their placement on the waiting list will not be shared with other individuals.

Additional Procedures

Munchkin Place will remove names from our waiting list if a parent does not respond to our communication regarding the available Daycare space.

Munchkin Place will remove any individual from our waiting list if it deemed that disrespectful communication has occurred towards Munchkin Place Home Daycare, Munchkin Place Home Daycare Students, Families or Staff.