Saint Patrick's Day Free Colouring Page Activity Book Printable and Watercolour Painting Idea

Saint Patrick's Day Free Activity Book Printable & Watercolour Painting Idea 

Free Saint Patrick's Day Painting Idea. Plus, Colouring Pages and Activity Sheets.  From Munchkin Place Home Daycare.

Step 1: On Cardstock or Canvas board draw a Gnome Leprechaun(picture of simple drawing is in this post); using Green, Black, Orange, Purple, Red, Blue and Yellow Washable Markers. 

Step 2: Draw squiggles with Washable Markers to show what areas should be painted in which colours.

Step 3: Provide your Munchkin or Munchkins with Watercolour paints, a paint brush, 1 paper towel folded in half and water in a cup or small bowl. The paper towel works as an Eraser for correcting mistakes. Simply dot the area and repaint if need be.

Step 4: Provide instructions to begin painting.  Always paint lightest to darkest when teaching Watercolour Painting to young children.

  Paint Colour Order:

1. Yellow 2. Orange 

3. Light Green

4. Light Blue

5. Red 6. Purple 

               7. Black

Free Saint Patrick's Day Colouring Pages with Worksheets available below.

Saint Patrick's Day Free Coloring Activity Book

Saint Patrick's Day Count, Trace, Colour, Cut and Paste Worksheets



Saint Patrick's Day Free Coloring Page Printable Activity Book

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